Adquet is one of the top ad network in Nigeria. Easy sign up,no minimum traffic required, support sub-domain like(example.blogspot.com or example.worldpress.com) and accept almost all niches,they pay from N5 to N100 per click depending on the banner size and their minimum payout is N2500 via PayPal or bank wire transfer. They offers both CPC and ppm ads.you can sign up both advertiser and a publisher.
Note:Read their term and conditions property before sign up for adquet they hate floating ads and can ban you for that.they also ban people that click on their own ads.2.NG Advert.
Ng advert is also one of the top ad network in Nigeria with fast approval .just like adquet you can sign up both advertiser and publisher. It offers both CPC and CPM ads and their minimum payout is N3000 via bank wire transfer.
Note:just like adquet, clicking on your own ads can lead them to ban your account.3.Alternativeadverts.
Alternative adverts is another good ad network in Africa, they offer both CPC and ppm,while signing up,you will be given the option to fill your choose currency and you will see dollar,Naira and offer a minimum payment of $50 and offer many different forms of banner ads.
They also allow you earn 31% of the money spent by an advertiser or 51% of the money gained by the publisher you referred. Their payment is through PayPal and bank transfer.
4.Twinpine network.
This is another top ad network in Nigeria with a minimum payout of N2500 via bank wire transfer. It offers both CPC and ppm ads and supports advertising on both mobile app and websites.some of the big company that support this ad network include Pepsi,MTN and jobber man.It doesn't required any minimum traffic to sign up and their ads are free
This is another nice Nigeria ad network with no minimum traffic requirement and easy sign up.although their ads are not too friendly but they pay much for clicks(more than impression)Their minimum payout is N2000 and pay directly into your bank account faster and they offer both CPM and ppm.
Note:They are strike and will ban your account ones they notice any spam clicks..In general, try to read their term and conditions, before sign up to any ad network list here to avoid banning your account. So don't forget to share this to your friend. And also if you want to create a blog click here to contact me on WhatsApp.
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